Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm a Google Amateur

I think I suck at googling. I still haven't figured out how/found time to make my blog more aesthetically pleasing and I can't find any help online. I need help, I'm afraid. Anyone out there willing/able to help?
Life is great. I'm planning the wedding, trying to find a new job, and trying to drop a few pounds. And I'll be going back to school in August! (Though I'll miss the first week because we'll be on the honeymoon.)

Chris and I went to Disneyland in January and had so much fun. We're planning on going back for our honeymoon. We're going to get bride and groom mouse ears with "Mr. Clark" and "Mrs. Clark" embroidered on them.
One of my dreams was finally fulfilled when I got to wear the Mr Slice costume at work the other day. Just long enough for a picture. Anything else would have been embarrassing.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I'm one of those people who love the New Year and view it as a fresh start.
Here are some reasons I'm excited for this new year:

-I get to marry this sweet man

-I get to start school again
-I'm going to get skinny
(this year I really will because I have a
wedding I have to look good for)
-I'm going to get my debt paid back
(not including student loans)
-I'm going to get a new car
(my driver's side doors don't open...)
-Allowing that there isn't a time frame after
completing the Radiology Practical Tech
class that you must take the certification test within,
I'm going to take the test and get a new job
-I'm going to make someone help me make
my little blog here prettier
-Did I mention I get to get married and get
a house and start a new life with my Chris?
I'm determined that this year be rockin'.

Friday, December 23, 2011


I seriously have the best fiancé in the world. He opens my doors and buys me flowers and drives me to work. He treats me like every girl should be treated.

I can't wait to spend Christmas with him.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cute Man

My cute fiancé bought me this Justin Bieber wrapping paper a few weeks ago. So, I wrapped one of his presents in it yesterday.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I'm engaged! This wonderful man asked me to marry him last Sunday.
I said yes.
We're planning either September 2012 or May 2013,
depending on when we can get all our crap together
(i.e. Debt paied back and weight lost.)
The ring is much more sparkly in person. I love it so much.
I'm planning on being a better blogger.
I'm going to figure out how to give my blog a facelift,
then will hopefully feel more inclined to blog.
Other than than that, nothing is new.
Have a lovely day!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Apparently I never published this... So, here you go!
I recently had a birthday.
It was pretty nice.
It was the first birthday I had a boyfriend, so that was cool.
The sweet guy showed up at my house with these
And this (which I've been wanting for so long but could never bring myself to purchase because of the price.
He's seriously the best. I won't bore you all with telling you how much I like him.
But I like him quite a bit.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sewing but...

... hates that Utah has NO good fabric stores.


Or at least none with good websites that allow me to locate 4 inch satin ribbon to use on a ring pillow I'm making for a wedding that happens next week.

I guess I'll be making some calls tomorrow.

In other news, I love my puppy Cleo and my cute boyfriend Christopher.