Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wedding Blogs

...not that I'm planning one anytime soon.

I just love them. They're so pretty and lovely and happy.

I sit for hours at work (I have a lot of free time when I work the opening shift)

scrolling through wedding blogs

(my favorites being Utah Bride Blog and

I found this beauty on Salt Lake Bride and Groom the other day.

Instead of a sign in book at a wedding, you have people write their

well wishes on a piece of paper and hang it from a tree.

I dedinitely plan on doing this for my wedding when that time comes.

Me and my man bought a picnic basket

(I don't know if I've already posted about it or not.)

Which is adorable, right?

Well, to add to the adorableness, I've decided to make a super cute picnic blanket.

Fear not, my dears! I shall post pictures of it when it is complete!

Have a lovely week darlings!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hello dearies. Happy Flag Day!

I want these pretty things:

This pearl ring from Sundance

Gold Toms

A blue beach cruiser with a basket
(I'd prefer a wicker basket over metal, though.)

Luckily, I have this brilliant boyfriend who is good with bikes.

He says we can find an old one and fix it up for me,

which will probably be difficult because everybody wants them.

Wish us luck!

Have a lovely week!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Brandon Flowers

My newest love is Brandon Flowers of The Killers.

It's a fantastic album and you should all check it out.

Confession time: I like Ke$ha sometimes. Like Tik Tok and Your Love is My Drug.

Please don't judge me.

Lately I love this:

I did it to my toes today, since making pizza makes it almost impossible to keep my nails looking nice for longer than a shift.

Have a lovely week, darlings!