Friday, December 23, 2011


I seriously have the best fiancé in the world. He opens my doors and buys me flowers and drives me to work. He treats me like every girl should be treated.

I can't wait to spend Christmas with him.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cute Man

My cute fiancé bought me this Justin Bieber wrapping paper a few weeks ago. So, I wrapped one of his presents in it yesterday.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I'm engaged! This wonderful man asked me to marry him last Sunday.
I said yes.
We're planning either September 2012 or May 2013,
depending on when we can get all our crap together
(i.e. Debt paied back and weight lost.)
The ring is much more sparkly in person. I love it so much.
I'm planning on being a better blogger.
I'm going to figure out how to give my blog a facelift,
then will hopefully feel more inclined to blog.
Other than than that, nothing is new.
Have a lovely day!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Apparently I never published this... So, here you go!
I recently had a birthday.
It was pretty nice.
It was the first birthday I had a boyfriend, so that was cool.
The sweet guy showed up at my house with these
And this (which I've been wanting for so long but could never bring myself to purchase because of the price.
He's seriously the best. I won't bore you all with telling you how much I like him.
But I like him quite a bit.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sewing but...

... hates that Utah has NO good fabric stores.


Or at least none with good websites that allow me to locate 4 inch satin ribbon to use on a ring pillow I'm making for a wedding that happens next week.

I guess I'll be making some calls tomorrow.

In other news, I love my puppy Cleo and my cute boyfriend Christopher.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I found this is Christopher's car the other day

Yep, the ticket stub from our first (well, technically second. Our first was, like, three years ago) date. He's so cute.

Yesterday, he showed up to my house before church with a cute rose and a scone from Sill's.

He's so thoughtful and great.

The poor guy showed up while I was in the shower and had to sit out in the hot sun for about 15 minutes until I got out and let him in.

This is my best friend Emily. We love each other a lot.

Have a lovely week, my dears.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Chris Clark

I have a boyfriend and his name is Chris.

We love each other a lot.

He's a really fantastic man.

He gives me footrubs (without me even having to ask.)

When I get headaches, (which happens often) he rubs my head.

He goes to see Harry Potter with me at midnight.

He goes to breakfast with me and poses for silly (but adorable) pictures.

He's wonderful.

In other news, Harry Potter is over. It feels weird. Maybe I'll start filling my time with productive, grownup things.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wedding Blogs

...not that I'm planning one anytime soon.

I just love them. They're so pretty and lovely and happy.

I sit for hours at work (I have a lot of free time when I work the opening shift)

scrolling through wedding blogs

(my favorites being Utah Bride Blog and

I found this beauty on Salt Lake Bride and Groom the other day.

Instead of a sign in book at a wedding, you have people write their

well wishes on a piece of paper and hang it from a tree.

I dedinitely plan on doing this for my wedding when that time comes.

Me and my man bought a picnic basket

(I don't know if I've already posted about it or not.)

Which is adorable, right?

Well, to add to the adorableness, I've decided to make a super cute picnic blanket.

Fear not, my dears! I shall post pictures of it when it is complete!

Have a lovely week darlings!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hello dearies. Happy Flag Day!

I want these pretty things:

This pearl ring from Sundance

Gold Toms

A blue beach cruiser with a basket
(I'd prefer a wicker basket over metal, though.)

Luckily, I have this brilliant boyfriend who is good with bikes.

He says we can find an old one and fix it up for me,

which will probably be difficult because everybody wants them.

Wish us luck!

Have a lovely week!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Brandon Flowers

My newest love is Brandon Flowers of The Killers.

It's a fantastic album and you should all check it out.

Confession time: I like Ke$ha sometimes. Like Tik Tok and Your Love is My Drug.

Please don't judge me.

Lately I love this:

I did it to my toes today, since making pizza makes it almost impossible to keep my nails looking nice for longer than a shift.

Have a lovely week, darlings!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I haven't had time to post in a while. I'm sorry.

I've been busy with this guy:

Justin Bieber partying
with these guys:

And taking this girl to do lots of fun birthday stuff:

I took dear Brinlee to Build A Bear for her birthday.
We then went to Toys R Us, where Chris announced her birthday
over the loud speaker and gave her a crown and balloon.
She loved it.

Chris is my boyfriend. We like each other a lot.
He gives me lots of compliments and likes my cooking.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Flowering Trees

I'm so happy all the trees are getting their leaves and/or flowers. It's beautiful.

This week, I have two favorite songs:

"Kind" by Eisley

and "O Children" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

We had a dogeball game on Thursday. The team we played was SO mean. They took the game way too seriously and threw the balls way too hard. Despite their obvious confidence in their ability to win the game, however, we tied. Booyah.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Yesterday me and this lady took a walk:

We went to the Jensen Park in Syracuse.

There are cows, which apparently keep Cleo in line.

She barked at them, they mooed at her.

She got scared, stopped sniffing eveything, stayed on the right side of me and was very well behaved. I think we'll take walks there more often.

This week my favorite song is "When the Sun Goes Down" by Ben Gibbard.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Signs of Spring Approaching

This week my favorite song is E.T. by Katy Perry.

Yesterday I saw these guys blooming

Let's not even talk about how excited I am. The leaves are starting to peek through and the grass is starting to green. I'm so excited.

This Friday we (me, my mom, sister, and grandma) are going to Provo to see the Carl Block exhibit .

He's Danish, we're Danish. I guess it just fits.

Have a lovely week!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Trying New Things

I had a great weekend. I bought this lovely

After spending the day doing this

Festival of Colors, boys and girls.

The Hindu temple is so cool! And so out of place in Utah. Which is why I love it.

I would definitely recommend everyone attend sometime in their lives.

My bathroom remodel is almost finished!

I'll post pictures when it's all done.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Banana Pancakes

Sometimes my stomach hurts. Banana pancakes makes it feel better.

This is my new favorite video
I wish Cleo loved her baths this much

Friday, March 18, 2011

Many Things

Today, these are the things that I love:

1. Dodgeball (I joined a league last night. It was so fun. Thanks for convincing me Kelly!)

2. "Brothers on a Hotel Bed" by Death Cab. I don't know why, but I love this song so much.

3. Hair feathers. I need one ASAP.

4. That my sciatic nerve is no longer feeling pinched and I am once again able to start working out. Bring on the skinny.

5. Banana pancakes. I had one for the first time last week and have made them probably four times since. I have a banana pancake problem.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Music

This week I have discovered a new artist, thanks to iTunes Indie Spotlight free song of the week. His name is Alexander (not to be mistaken with Creepy Chest Man, who shares the same name.) The song is "Truth"

Check it/him out!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Today I am thinking about...

  • How much I love the warm weather

  • My need for a light, fresh smelling vanilla perfume

  • How crazy my dog is (after her bath she rubs herself all over the floor and runs in circles around the living room trying to get dry. She then avoids me for a while, acting suspicious of me and my motives.)

  • How much I want to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe but can not to do so until I lose 15 pounds (which I can't do until my hip/sciatic nerve feels better and I can work out again.)


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Warmer Temperatures

I can't wait to see some of these
Haven't these 40 degree temperatures been nice? I can't wait until it gets into 80s and 90s and it swimming pool time and then the 4th of July (my favorite holiday, by the way.)
Better start working on getting swimsuit ready!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Tomorrow is Groundhog Day. Let's keep our finger's crossed!

This summer, I plan on buying one of these:

A Toyota Yaris. I've been in love with them since they came out four or five years ago.

My dad seems to feel like my car is falling apart and that I need a new car. If he thinks it's a good thing for me to do, I'd better do it. He never advises me to spend money unless necessary.

Let's hope for sandal and skirt weather soon! (Please, Mr Groundhog?)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Feminine Combat-Style Boots

Once upon a time, on a magical day involving a shopping trip to Ross, I was introduced to these beauties. I was more in love with these boots than I had been any other boot before. I wore them for about a month and a half before one day, while walking through TJ Maxx, I realized the sole of the right boot had cracked.
Needless to say, I was devastated. I even went home and took a nap I was so upset.
One day last week, my mom and I returned to Ross to look for some shoes for Little Sister. I meandered over to my size to see if they had any clearance shoes. I noticed a pair of boots sitting upon the shelf. I picked them up and saw they were boots like my broken ones. Not daring to hope, I checked the size. My size! And even better, they were on clearance. Fate, it seems wishes me to have these boots. The brand even indicates such: Sam and Libby. Weird and coincidental, eh?
Now, I am happy again.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Summer. Please Return, Summer.

I can't take this snow and cold anymore. I need shorts, sandals, and popsicles. I guess I can only pray, though, that the time until then will pass very quickly. I'll have to fill my time with fun (indoor) things.

Besides, it'll give me time to buy a camera before my anticipated trip to Cali this summer.