Sunday, January 1, 2012


I'm one of those people who love the New Year and view it as a fresh start.
Here are some reasons I'm excited for this new year:

-I get to marry this sweet man

-I get to start school again
-I'm going to get skinny
(this year I really will because I have a
wedding I have to look good for)
-I'm going to get my debt paid back
(not including student loans)
-I'm going to get a new car
(my driver's side doors don't open...)
-Allowing that there isn't a time frame after
completing the Radiology Practical Tech
class that you must take the certification test within,
I'm going to take the test and get a new job
-I'm going to make someone help me make
my little blog here prettier
-Did I mention I get to get married and get
a house and start a new life with my Chris?
I'm determined that this year be rockin'.